Velodrome in Iowa? Why not? And a trail funding note

Is Tom Treharne a nut?

He has a big idea, and I like it, so I don’t think so.

Treharne is Marion’s director of planning and development. He’s also a bicycle racer and a spinning class instructor who will put you through a good 60 minutes or more worth of workout in only 40 minutes a couple of times a week at The MAC Xtreme.

He suggested the other day on that a velodrome would put Marion on the map. It’s one of several suggestions he made in response to a request for ideas from the Marion Chamber of Commerce. He thinks a velodrome would be a great addition to the wellness and fitness facility described in this Corridor Business News article.

Hey, if Missouri can put together a big-time stage race, we can have a velodrome and be a surprising new center of Midwest bicycling activity.

Wright brothers
Image via Wikipedia

After all, as you know, those famous bicycle-building Wright Brothers used to live around here. RAGBRAI comes through every now and then. And we’re getting our crit back here in C.R. in June.

Why not a velodrome?

Hell, I think we should even have a stage race in Iowa.

Whaddaya say?

Does your trail project qualify for stimulus funding?

From the Iowa Bicycle Coalition’s Iowa Bike Blog today, a reminder that a portion of highway stimulus funding allocated to the Iowa DOT will be used for “ready-to-go trail projects of statewide significance.”

Information needs to be submitted by 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 22, so check for details and get your act together.

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1 Response to “Velodrome in Iowa? Why not? And a trail funding note”

  1. 1 art3 January 17, 2009 at 10:12 am

    could the Marion velodrome be housed in a gigantic barn – that might emphasize the Iowa tie-in. quilt patterns on the barn exterior. or maybe images of old midwest beers from the early part of the 19th century?

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